Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Already gone.

Life's a climb,
But the view is great.
Travis Brody.

Dear Anonymous,

The circle you are in now is indeed hurtful. More upsetting than I could ever imagine. I never knew until now. Your stories actually made me tear. I know I am very emotional and sensitive, but still.

She seems really nice. I started tearing after I saw the msn message that she sent you. About her going off, maybe she has her family problems or maybe she had made her decision. A decision whereby it would be the best for her. But maybe just maybe she might come to you as a friend which I guess it is good enough for you. Better than nothing. Therefore, be patient as patience is a virtue.

Do not say you have not done enough. There are also no rights or wrongs, trust me. Always believe in yourself. Because I believe in you.

As a friend of yours, all I can do is talk to you and make you stop thinking about her. I really wish you could overcome this barrier soon. I may not mend your heart, but I am all ears for you. Never frown as you might not know, the smile on your face could make someone's day.

After all, computers crash, people die, relationships fall apart. The best you can do is breath and reboot.

This is for you,

Life is full obstacles. This is just one of it. Be strong like an unbreakable metal chain.

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