Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just so you know.

Two days ago,

I captured this.

Enlarge it!

It's like some rainbow coloured thingy spreading out from above the clouds.

Beautiful indeed.

It rained heavily not long after.

Anyway people, if you know the name to the colourful scene that I saw, do tell me alright.


Went for karaoke yesterday at Amp Square with ;

Sykin, Pavan, Meian, Ke Li, Bhajan, Aqeel and Ayu.

Practically screamed our lungs out with Linkin Park's songs.

We had this really huge room to ourselves and four jugs of drinks wtf.

Went home right after. Thanks Sykin for the ride back.



I'm trying to revive my blog but I have nothing to write.



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